Every single detail of these pickups is 100% vintage correct. They are reproduced down to the smallest detail and are probably the closest P.A.F. replica pickups available on the market today. There is no part of these pickups that can be bought off the shelf, everything is completely custom made, and most of the parts are crafted in our very own workshop (baseplates, keeper bars, slugs, maple spacers, etc.). Nickel sheets and low carbon steel are imported directly from the USA and even the wire is custom manufactured in America exclusively for Wizz. Every single detail of these pickups is 100% vintage correct. They are reproduced down to the smallest detail and are probably the closest P.A.F. replica pickups available on the market today. There is no part of these pickups that can be bought off the shelf, everything is completely custom made, and most of the parts are crafted in our very own workshop (baseplates, keeper bars, slugs, maple spacers, etc.). Nickel sheets and low carbon steel are imported directly from the USA and even the wire is custom manufactured in America exclusively for Wizz pickups.
- Threaded nickel silver baseplates with silk screened PATENT APPLIED FOR decal
- Cellulose acetate butyrate bobbins in light cream color (matched to unopened 1959 double cream P.A.F. pickups)
- Every set comes with matching butyrate M69 PAF white rings
- Nickel silver covers with nickel plating and correct “TV shape”
- Custom made plain enamel 42 AWG wire
- Low carbon steel keeper bars, slugs and screws
- Correct mounting screws for pickups to rings and for rings to guitar are included
- Sand cast Alnico 4 magnets made in the USA (the default is A4, but you also have options for A2, A3, A4 and A5)
- Baseplates even have that “L” tool mark on the feet
- Not Aged, NEW look
- “Loose” 2 strand braided hookup wire