Showing 1–20 of 32 results

Guitars and Basses

1963 Les Paul Junior


Custom Shop Guitars

2015 Les Paul R8 True Historic


Out of stock

Premium Clone pickup set, loose cover, black/white bobbins. Neck - 7.39Ω, Bridge - 7.95Ω

Out of stock

Fillmore Cherryburst set, double black bobbins and aged covers. Neck - 6.99Ω, Bridge - 7.21Ω  

Out of stock

Premium Clone pickups, double white bobbins, loose aged cover


Premium Clone pickup set, aged cover. Neck - 7.39Ω, Bridge - 7.95Ω

Chiltone Pickups

Chiltone PAF Humbucker


Built to 1958-59 Gibson PAF specs DC Resistance: Neck: ~7.6k, Bridge: ~8.1k

Out of stock

Time Machine, aluminum "short seam" stop tailpiece


Time Machine, aged


Time Machine, set of 4


Time Machine, aged. Set of 4

Out of stock

Time Machine, aged.


Time Machine, aged


Time Machine, aged


Les Paul Custom truss rod cover, NOS. Time Machine

Out of stock

Time Machine, aged


59 Les Paul truss rod cover, aged.


Time Machine Les Paul Custom black jack plate


Time Machine, Not aged

Les Paul Parts

56 Les Paul Pickguard


Time Machine, not aged